Our R&D Programs.

We will address our core challenges and priorities over three integrated, industry-led R&D programs, enabled by investments in testing infrastructure and workforce development program.

R&D Program 1.

Manufacturing of renewable technology commodities and products.


  • Manufacturing of critical renewable technology commodities from Australian critical minerals.

  • Manufacturing of renewable energy technology products and systems.

  • Recycling of renewable technologies for circular supply chains.

Indicative outcomes: 

  • Economic benefit through value-adding to our critical minerals.

  • Connected, sustainable domestic supply chains for critical renewable technology commodities and products with local off-take and high export potential.

  • Reduced-cost recycled chemical feedstocks and domestic recycling capabilities for circular supply chains.

R&D Program 2.

Renewable technology testing, deployment and integration.


  • Accelerated testing for adoption of renewable technologies.

  • Grid integration and control systems.

  • Modelling, optimisation and deployment for regional/remote microgrids.

Indicative outcomes: 

  • Nationally distributed common-user testing capacity.

  • Prove out and knowledge on performance for new and emerging critical renewable technologies.

  • Best practice guidelines and standardised testing methods for reliable critical renewable technology deployment.

R&D Program 3.

Safety testing, accreditation and standards for renewable technologies.


  • Safety testing for renewable technology adoption.

  • Standards and accreditation for renewable technologies.

Indicative outcomes: 

  • Safe rollout of lithium batteries through the developed Battery Accreditation program.

  • Lithium battery systems with enhanced safety.

  • Accredited domestic battery and critical renewable technology certification services.

  • Best practice guides and fit-for-purpose Standards.

  • Evidence-based emergency response procedures.

  • A national working group consisting of experts, energy generators/distributors/transmitters and battery manufactures.

  • Policy and regulation recommendations.

Workforce Development Program.

We will address escalating industry workforce demands and skills gaps in conjunction with our partners.

Key initiatives:

  • Programs to connect vocational training institutions with universities and facilities to enable practical exposure to and training with renewable technologies.

  • Establish national training curriculums in battery energy storage and redox flow batteries to standardise delivery.

  • Create training programs to enable Indigenous Australians to service and maintain renewable technology microgrids in remote areas and Indigenous communities.

  • Industry Fellowship Program to place skilled researchers into industry.

  • Top-up scholarship programs that attracts quality candidates to work with industry.

  • Reskilling programs, including placements and internships to expedite skill and knowledge development needed for new roles in clean energy.

  • Programs, short courses and engagement activities aimed to upskill, promote career opportunities and attract workers to renewable technology jobs.

  • Customised community education programs about the safety, reliability and benefits of different renewable technologies and systems.